KGIS activities range from enrolment, retention and completion, through this, students are engaged in ensuring their completion of at least secondary education. In Ethiopia, female students are trained, and one of the participants is Beti Hailu, a grade 10 student from Awaro Secondary School, Ethiopia
Beti has the following to say “the training is very good. As the saying goes, nothing will be good without women. So, supporting girl’s education is important. The training helped us to develop self-confidence.
As a beneficiary, I am committed to spreading the knowledge I get from this training to my sisters and friends. I will discuss what they should do to pursue their education. I wanted to be a role model for girls in my community.
The training helped me to know who is for me, for my community and the country. I know what I need to do for my education. I find my purpose in this world. The training helped me to develop the confidence to be successful in the future. I need to do for my education. I find my purpose in this world. The training helped me to develop the confidence to be successful in the future