For decades, African governments and international development partners have been trying to improve the health of women and children and reduce sufferings as a result of pregnancy and child birth. While improvements have been recorded, the rate is abysmally low and not near those of other regions of the world.

Studies have shown that health of children substantially improves when the mother is educated. Completion of secondary education by girls has been found to significantly improve the health of families and communities. This correlation between the education of the mother and health and development of families shows that the future of African families is dependent on the education of the girl.

As custodians of values in Africa, it is important that African traditional and religious leaders take the lead in ensuring that our people are not left behind by addressing the root cause of the problems and ensuring that girls in Africa not only enroll but complete secondary education and gain livelihood skills. The involvement and guidance of the African people in this respect will provide the legitimacy that is necessary for improvement in maternal and child health and livelihood of African families.


Developing strategies and solutions to ensure African girls finish secondary school

Supporting mentorship programs for girls in Africa

Leap frogging improvement in maternal and child health

Reframing the role of women in their communities 


It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.
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