THE EMIRATE SCHOOL HAS INTRODUCED “SAFE SPACE”. In many parts of Africa including Argungu, many girls drop out of school and thus fail to complete secondary education for various reasons including poverty, early marriage and parents’ apathy because of poor quality of education. To encourage girls to remain and complete secondary school, The Emirate […]
In Kebbi State, Nigeria, the Emir of Argungu, His Highness Alhaji Samaila Mera has been living to his words and marching them with action. Following His Highnesses assessment of his domain on girls’ education, he discovered that several girls in rural areas do not go to school because there were no schools in the areas. […]
Girl Child Education in Focus Following the conference of African Traditional and Religious Leaders on keeping girls in school convened by The Sultan of Sokoto and the Kabaka of Buganda in Abuja, Nigeria in November 2019, The Emir of Argungu, His Highness, Alhaji Samaila Muhammad Mera, has been leading a team of Traditional Leaders in […]
CELEBRATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF THE ADOLESCENT HEALTH, 2021 Since 2016, International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW), celebrated throughout the 3rd week in March annually, is a grass-roots initiative for young people, their health care providers, their teachers, their parents, their advocates and their communities to come together and celebrate young people and with […]
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