Since 2016, International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW), celebrated throughout the 3rd week in March annually, is a grass-roots initiative for young people, their health care providers, their teachers, their parents, their advocates and their communities to come together and celebrate young people and with an ultimate aim of working collectively towards improving the health and well-being of the over 1 billion adolescents across the globe. Yearly various themes are developed to shape the pattern of activities in addressing adolescent health and other issues.
In 2021, the International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW) was held from 21th-27th March, with the theme “Adolescent resilience in the face of a pandemic” Keeping Girls in School in Africa network organized a series of activities as part of its cardinal objective of ensuring girls comple6te at least 12 years of secondary education. The events which took place in schools, Internally Displaced Camps (IDPs) host communities, TV and radio Programmen had reached the campaign was able to reach 11,000 adolescent girls.
The various campaigns launched to engage and inspire young girls to include:
1. lectures and mentorship on life skills;
2. Personal hygiene;
3. Importance of enrolment, retention and completion of secondary school education;
4. Gender clubs
5. Debates among students on the significance of Girls education.