Blog News - Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:23:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog News - 32 32 Call for entries Wed, 15 Jun 2022 10:25:39 +0000 Call for applications from advocates across Africa. Keeping Girls in School Africa (KGIS) network is inviting interested individuals and organisations across Africa to send an application to participate in its capacity building and activation of advocates for girls’ education. KGIS will host a workshop to introduce active advocates to the topic of girls’ education, and […]

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Call for applications from advocates across Africa.

Keeping Girls in School Africa (KGIS) network is inviting interested individuals and organisations across Africa to send an application to participate in its capacity building and activation of advocates for girls’ education.

KGIS will host a workshop to introduce active advocates to the topic of girls’ education, and its impact on socio-economic development and teaches them about evidence-based policy communication.

Participants will learn how to define policy goals, identify target audiences, and craft communication objectives.

This Keeping Girls In School in Africa (KGIS) project aimed to catalyse a new Pan-African movement that engaged traditional and religious leaders as core advocates for keeping girls in school in Nigeria and Ethiopia.

The project trained and cultivated 877 traditional and religious leaders as advocates for KGIS and reached 418,000 girls directly and 2409 through webinars to remain in school.12,000,000 people were reached through media activities by Religious leaders and 9 Traditional leaders implemented 14 self-supported projects in their communities across the two countries. Through town-hall meetings and market rallies, the project was able to reach 1389 parents of girls who are not in school to enlighten them about the significance of girls’ enrolment and completion of secondary education.

Central to the success of the Traditional and Religious leaders’ advocacy were the 499 women leaders trained as mentors and advocates as well as 505 youth advocates that supported the initiatives at the community level; engaging and mentoring girls directly and engaging mothers and other family members on KGIS.

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Safe Space training Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:48:00 +0000 In making sure that at least every girl child should go through Enrollment, Retention, and Completion of Secondary Education, The keeping girls in school [KGIS] movement was launched which is mainly to encourage safe space training in states from both the northwest and north east zone and which was held from 13th June to 17th […]

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In making sure that at least every girl child should go through Enrollment, Retention, and Completion of Secondary Education, The keeping girls in school [KGIS] movement was launched which is mainly to encourage safe space training in states from both the northwest and north east zone and which was held from 13th June to 17th July 2021.

What is safe space?

A safe space is a physical location in school or local communities where adolescents can learn and develop skills to help them make a smooth transition to adulthood.

Safe space is also a child center learning experience for young adolescents to be able to communicate without interruption. During a Safe Space session, m=Mentors do more of listening and least of talking after introducing a topic for the day. During the training several topics are being addressed under the Safe Spaces Curriculum for the trainees to get familiar with, and also as a way of addressing it with the girls. These topics include;

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2ND EDITION NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER, 2021 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 21:18:59 +0000

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BADE COMMUNITY TRUST FUND ON GIRLS EDUCATION Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:25:10 +0000 The opening of the KGIS community account in a microfinance bank has been actualized. Ever since well-meaning residents outside and within the community are encouraged to donate and ensure that orphans and less privileged girls are enrolled in school and finish at least secondary school education without fear of financial restraint. To set an example […]



The opening of the KGIS community account in a microfinance bank has been actualized. Ever since well-meaning residents outside and within the community are encouraged to donate and ensure that orphans and less privileged girls are enrolled in school and finish at least secondary school education without fear of financial restraint. To set an example the Emir, was the first person to donate with the sum of one hundred thousand (N100, 000) naira into the account.


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YOBE STATE TOWN HALL MEETING Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:37:32 +0000 His Royal Highness, Alh Abubakar Umar Suleiman OFR, the Emir of Bade on behalf of the KGIS network in his emirate hosted a town hall meeting on girls’ education. The meeting which had in attendance key stakeholders had a paper on the “Importance of Girl-Child Education from an Islamic Perspective and their Contribution in the […]

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His Royal Highness, Alh Abubakar Umar Suleiman OFR, the Emir of Bade on behalf of the KGIS network in his emirate hosted a town hall meeting on girls’ education.

The meeting which had in attendance key stakeholders had a paper on the “Importance of Girl-Child Education from an Islamic Perspective and their Contribution in the Society” by Malam Salisu Danladi from the College of Education Gashua, emphasizing the need for parents to send their children to schools to acquire both Islamic and western knowledge. He cited different Verses of the Qur’an and authentic Hadith to prove that seeking knowledge is compulsory for everyone.

This foundation laid by the traditional and religious leaders and the academics provided a solid ground for the participants to easily identify and raise relevant issues during the session, these includes:

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KEBBI STATE TOWN HALL MEETING ON GIRLS’ EDUCATION Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:24:44 +0000 In July 2021, the Keeping girls in school network led by the Emir of Argungu organized a town hall meeting in the Argungu community, Kebbi state, Nigeria. To have a data-informed conversation and subsequent solutions. Hence, an academic paper on the situation of girls’ education in Kebbi state was presented by Mallam Abdulsalami (KGIS Youth […]



In July 2021, the Keeping girls in school network led by the Emir of Argungu organized a town hall meeting in the Argungu community, Kebbi state, Nigeria. To have a data-informed conversation and subsequent solutions. Hence, an academic paper on the situation of girls’ education in Kebbi state was presented by Mallam Abdulsalami (KGIS Youth Group Lead) to draw the attention of the gathering on the issue that is troubling the community, which cannot be solved without allowing the girls’ child to fully attend at least secondary school. This sub setting issues include maternal and infant health and family income which is important for address poverty.

Among the major issues raised by parents and stakeholders during the meeting include:

The religious leaders as one of the core components of the KGIS initiative as such the chief Imam of Jibwis in Argungu reminded the congregation of a story of the companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad about their concern on the Girls child education more especially as it relates to health; he said “females are the ones that are taking care of those who were injured during the war” therefore, the need for empowering the girls child with requisite skills in this era cannot be overemphasized.

As the chief host, the Emir of Argungu, called on the entire people of Argungu emirate to cooperate with the KGIS network for the success of ensuring girls school enrolment, retention and completion of at least secondary education.


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AMBO TOWN HALL MEETING Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:03:49 +0000 Ambo town comprising of Guder and Meti communities in Ethiopia are among the project areas of keeping girls in school in Africa. In a quest to identify and address challenges relating to girls education, town hall meetings was organized by the KGIS network in separate events in the month of July 2021, where both communities […]

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Ambo town comprising of Guder and Meti communities in Ethiopia are among the project areas of keeping girls in school in Africa. In a quest to identify and address challenges relating to girls education, town hall meetings was organized by the KGIS network in separate events in the month of July 2021, where both communities brought together stakeholders to advance the issue of girls’ education in their respective communities.

Similarly, it was identified that one of the recurring reasons for girls dropping out of school is economic challenges. In the fora, community members were able to find a lasting solution to the issues, among which includes, the establishment of a Keeping Girls in School trust fund to assist such girls.

In a swift response, prominent religious and community elders are delegated to open a bank account on behalf of the community, to mobilize and maintain a resource for girls’ education. The leaders have embarked on soliciting resources using various faith platforms to identify and enrol girls from indigent families. This initiative is found to be very effective in sustaining the project.

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FOSTERING COMMUNITY DIALOGUE ON GIRLS EDUCATION IN COMMUNITIES Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:47:30 +0000 Community town hall meeting is one of the most effective platforms for fair and equal ground for addressing challenges at the grassroots. Where community members, stakeholders, the media and government representatives meet to identify common challenges and find lasting solutions. Keeping girls in school network across communities in Ethiopia and Nigeria for the first time […]



Community town hall meeting is one of the most effective platforms for fair and equal ground for addressing challenges at the grassroots. Where community members, stakeholders, the media and government representatives meet to identify common challenges and find lasting solutions. Keeping girls in school network across communities in Ethiopia and Nigeria for the first time brought together government officials, traditional and religious leaders, media and parents of girls who do not go to school to discuss the main challenges why the girls do not attend school.

This allowed traditional and religious leaders to speak on the importance of girls’ school enrolment, retention and completion; academicians also highlighting the overview of girl child education in their communities whilst the media amplified the voices of the community on their plight on girls’ education.

This community dialogue was attended by the community elders, religious leaders, education bureau head, school directors, parents whose female children are not in school, Ambo City Mayor, teachers, students, youth and women representatives. These categories of people are found to be instrumental in the drive towards the improvement in the situation of girls education in Ethiopia and indeed Africa at large.

The presentations looked at the overall modalities of the KGIS initiative and stressed factors that hinder girls’ school enrolment, retention and completion in the projects catchment areas.


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KGIS MEDIA REPORTS LINKS Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:30:29 +0000 The 130 media reports: Below is a link to 89 media reports covering print, online, radio, TV, among others with their corresponding links and names of media organization/houses/platforms; 15 radio and TV programmes  are repeated three (3) times at different times and day to reach more audience, thus sum up to 45 reports. Vanguard News […]

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The 130 media reports:

Below is a link to 89 media reports covering print, online, radio, TV, among others with their corresponding links and names of media organization/houses/platforms; 15 radio and TV programmes  are repeated three (3) times at different times and day to reach more audience, thus sum up to 45 reports.

NTA Gusau

YBC, Damaturu

CAN Channels Network Afrique

NTA Maiduguri

RTV Sokoto


West Showa Ambo Youtube Channel

Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporate (EBC) youtube

KGIS Safe Space Training Comments in Argungu Kebbi Satate

International Day of the Girl Child, 2021 celebrated in Maiduguri

KGIS Safe Space Training in Argungu Kebbi Satate Picture Slide

Governor Zulume Speech on KGIS

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Statement of Support for Keeping Girls in School Initiative By Ato Tarmirat Daba Thu, 14 Oct 2021 13:02:26 +0000 Statement of Support for Keeping Girls in School Initiative By Ato Tarmirat Daba Head, Westem Shewa Zone of Oromia Region Education Bureau At the Community Town Hall Meeting Held @ AMBO, August 2021 On the theme “Ensuring our girls complete at least Secondary Education and Finding Community Solutions for problems related to girls education” Ethiopian […]

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Statement of Support for Keeping Girls in School Initiative By Ato Tarmirat Daba Head, Westem Shewa Zone of Oromia Region Education Bureau At the Community Town Hall Meeting Held @ AMBO, August 2021 On the theme

"Ensuring our girls complete at least Secondary Education and Finding Community Solutions for problems related to girls education"

Ethiopian Interfaith Forum for Development, Dialogue and Action (EIFDDA) has been implementing a project entitled “Keeping Girls in School (KGIS)” in Western Shewa Zone of the Oromia Region. The project has basically aims at making the various community representatives; religious leaders, traditional/ community elders, youth and women groups as prime advocate and champions of girt’s education in the cornmunity. In the life of the projects period hundreds and thousands of community members have been mobilized on the importance of girls’ education. Our office recognized that through the various capaciW building activities all the projects actors’ especially religious leaders/ community elders have acquired knowledge and skills on the importance of girrs education, advocacy skills, community mobilization and gender issue. This statement of support is issued for the recognition the progress and the impact this initiative for improving girl’s school enrollment and completion Of secondary school.


At the outset, it is vital to affrm the right of all children to education that is free from discrimination and of a sufficient quality to enable their full participation in society is enshrined in major international human rights treaties. In particular, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), has made the promotion of free primary education and quality education for children and youth up to the age of 18 years an obligation for every country.

Education represents one of the most strategic investments that governments can make in the children of their countries. Schools and other educational institutions have an immense potential to transmit knowledge, develop critical thinking and teach girls and boys essential life aed livelihoods skills. Education promotes equal start in girls and boys, chance to grow and develop according to their potential and contribute to and access the benefits of development.


Indeed, education is critical for empowering women and girls. Extensive evidence shows that educated women become more effective agents of change, able to improve both their own well-being and the welfare of their families. These empowering effects of education for women and girls are manifested in a variety of ways including increased income earning potential, ability to bargain for resources within the household, decision-making autonomy and participation in public life. It is also well documented that improvement in education of girls is a critical factor in ensuring positive health outcomes, lowering age at marriage, and increasing control over fertility, preventing violence including female genital mutilation/cutting, and reducing the risks of HIV infection.

Despite the recognition of education as a fundamental right for all children and the clear evidence of the benefits of education for women and girls, there remains significant discrimination against girls in education in many parts of the world. As the various statistics indicated, it is estimated that 85 per cent of all girls out of school live in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific.

In the country Ethiopia, Girls have relatively lower Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) and completion rate than boys in the first cycle of primary education (grades I to 4). Even for the repetition and dropout rate, girls are higher than boys in recent years. Besides, looking at urban and rural differences, the access to secondary education in rural area is very limited whereas most (85-95%) of enrollment of secondary education are from urban area.


Considerable efforts have been made in the country context to increase the access to and benefits of education for girls. The country has undertaken many measures at different levels to improve girls’ access to education, such as legislation, policy development, gender-sensitive curriculum development and teacher training and infrastructure provision. Despite these efforts, many serious challenges remain.

Experience shows that despite successful efforts to enroll more girls in primary school, girls in many settings are more likely than boys to repeat classes or drop out of school altogether. Among others, when school enrollment is free of charge, education carries hidden costs, which may lead families to take the decision to reduce education options for girls. These hidden costs, which include school uniforms, textbooks, and transportation to and from school, are often substantial and can prevent poor families from sending their girls to school. Security is a key issue in relation to access and retention of girls in school. Many girls experience harassment and violence on their way to and from school, as well as in the school environment itself. Policies of zero tolerance for violence against girls, provision of appropriate sanitation and recreational facilities, and securing of safe routes to and from school are critical. In creating a girl friendly environment in schools, it is important to engage boys (as students) and men (as fathers) in questioning traditional gender norms and holding men and boys accountable for discrimination and violence against girls in the school setting.


The heavy burden of household work borne by girls has been highlighted as a serious obstacle to both access to and achievement levels in education. The lack of sanitation facilities in the school is an important factor in the hesitancy of some parents to send their girls to school, especially once they reach adolescence. Unfortunately this serious constraint is not always given adequate attention in the country. Many schools have no separate facilities at all for girls or very poor or unsafe facilities. This contributes to absenteeism and the high drop-out rates of girls.

In creating a girl friendly environment in schools it is also important to increase the recruitment of women teachers.

Education alone, without changes to values, attitudes, stereotypes in society, will not bring about positive change for girls. Societal attitudes, particularly those which question the value of education for girls, can significantly detract from the empowering potential of education. Advocacy efforts must be focused on families, communities and leadership at all levels, including in informal institutions. Both mothers and fathers should be actively engaged in supporting education for girls. There are positive examples of efforts to engage parents, community leaders, and religious leaders in support of girls’ education. One critical group in this work is senior government officials. Greater efforts should be made to inform and engage them in work on girls’ education.

Perhaps what has been missing most in the past has been the explicit acknowledgement that the inequalities girls face in education are human rights violations and unacceptable discrimination as well as the real political commitment to change, reflected in clear strategies and action plans backed by adequate resources and accountability mechanisms. The role of all stakeholders is critical in monitoring progress in implementation of global commitments to girls’ education at national level and advocating for accelerated change processes.

For this reason, the Keeping Girls in School project is instrumental for improving girl’s school participation. Throughout implementation chores, I have noted that this project was unique as it is designed and implemented through mobilizing the local community representatives such as Religious Leaders, Community Elders, youths, women, from government representatives, various social association- by making them prime advocate and champions of girls education. Among the projects actors who have been deployed, in my understanding the role of religious leaders was worth to mention. In the country where almost all the population is a believer of one religion or the other, working wi based organizations is wise investment. Religious leaders and faith the community and they have got large grass root presence and they have easily heard by the community thus they are found to bring societal change towards improving girls education


It is therefore, as oromiya region, Western Shewa Zone Education office Head, since the inception of this project, I witnessed and noted effective collaboration which is emanated from the zonal/woreda Education Bureaus. By doing so, these sector government bureaus have created fertile ground for the smooth running of the project. Currently, I can say that we are deeply planted the projects achievement inside the community. Thus hoping to continue our collaboration and networking with all the projects stakeholders I would like to conclude my statement that this KGIS project as it was innovative since the beginning deserves further scale-up and able to reach additional member of the community. To this regard, I would like to call all the relevant donor organizations to come to Western Shewa Zone/Oromia Region and extend their unreserved support and continue such noble cause like the KGIS project. Together, we can make girls complete secondary schools and make them full flagged citizens of the country

"We need a country- where all Girls complete free primary and secondary education with the skills, knowledge and opportunities to lead a productive and fulfilling life" I support #KGIS

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